Stewardship 2024
Nov. 19 is the ingathering from our fall stewardship pledge drive. Please prayerfully consider what you can pledge in 2024 toward our mission and ministries at St. John’s and remember to bring your pledge card on the 19th. Didn’t get a stewardship letter and pledge card? Just ask Sharon Liparini.
St. John’s always gratefully receives every financial gift. During our fall campaign, we encourage you to fill out a pledge card listing what you intend to give during 2024. This helps us plan our ministries and budget for the coming year. You can pledge any amount and make payments in person, online or through the mail on whatever schedule works best for you, such as weekly, monthly or as a one-time annual payment. Here are some of the programs we participate in throughout the year: #SaturdayLuncheonSocial #SLS #MovingForward #Thriving #StJohnsBoonton St. John's is excited to again offer meals through our Saturday Luncheon Social program. The meals are provided by Faith and Community groups in the area. We gather around a table or two and share a meal and fellowship with others. If you or someone you know is in need of a decent meal join us on Saturdays from noon to 1:00 P.M. We need helpers to pick up Saturday bread donations, guide volunteers from other churches, and provide food for our scheduled weeks. To volunteer to help, please contact Allyson Doherty at Allyson_305(at) The third Sunday of each month is Food Pantry Sunday. Bring your non-perishable items to the 10:30 am service. Cereal, peanut butter, pasta, and rice are helpful, as well as canned items with pull-tops. Powdered milk, jars of cheese, and shelf-stable foods make a difference. We accept food on the third Sunday of every month. Mark it on your calendar. Pick up an extra item when you shop. #FoodPantrySunday #Helpyourneighbors #Thriving #MovingForward #StJohnsBoonton St. John's is honored to provide the housing to two Afghan refugee families. It has been a labor of love among several faith communities. Read more about it below. "A string of miracles" - Second house renovated to host Afghan refugees By Nina Nicholson Last year, we shared the story of several churches that partnered to renovate an unused rectory to host a family of Afghan refugees. This year, some of those same churches have renovated a second unused church building to host a second Afghan refugee family being sponsored by a Presbyterian church – a project made possible by “a string of miracles,” according to the Rev. Michael Muller, Rector of St. Peter’s, Mountain Lakes. Read more and view the photo gallery. Read more about what we are up to in the community here: Community - ST. JOHN'S BOONTON, NJ ( Besides the programs and community outreach St. John's maintains several buildings. We have our lovely church, the parish hall, the Wilson House and the rectory.
Each building needs maintenance and repair. This year we repaired some of the windows, the fallen plaster in the church, plumbing issues, water damage etc. The buildings are old and wonderful but need constant care and love. Your pledge helps maintain the foundation of St. John's so we can continue to participate in the community with our programs. The St. John’s Stewardship Committee Carolyn Borlo Sharon Liparini P.S. – We welcome pledges of any amount. We will bless all pledges received at our Sunday worship service on November 19. |