Greetings to Members and Friends of St. John’s, Near and Far,
The Vestry gathered on September 19 to discuss the life of St. John’s, covering everything from our finances to managing the tasks that keep our doors open and welcoming to both new and familiar faces. St. John’s has a long and rich history in Boonton, and we deeply appreciate the members who, even after moving away or being unable to attend in person, remain connected with us. We delight in greeting the people who join us in person. We’re delighted to announce that Robert Gangewere is back to lead our music program, with Christian Carozza alternating Sundays as our organist. We also want to extend our gratitude to Wyatt Sikora, who has moved on to other opportunities after contributing his musical talents to our services. Joan and Debbie have been working diligently to prepare the Wilson House for rental and get the Rectory ready for sale. We’re happy to report that the Wilson House has been rented to a wonderful family who is engaged in local ministry. Additionally, we are renting the Parish Hall on Wednesdays to another religious group active in the community. Sharon Liparini and Sandra Lee Schubert will be attending the School of Ministry: Worship Leader training this Wednesday and again in October. You are welcome to join them—registration is open until Monday, September 23. Learn more here: School for Ministry: Worship Leader Training Across the diocese, many churches are facing challenges due to a shortage of clergy and declining attendance. Our Vestry, along with the diocese, is considering how best to respond. You can read more about these conversations in The VOICE Online: Who Will We Be in Ministry Going Forward? Every week, St. John’s opens its doors for the Saturday Luncheon Social, where local faith communities provide a meal for our neighbors. This Saturday, St. John’s is hosting, and we’ll be serving tacos with a side of fellowship! Want to lend a hand? Join us at 11 a.m. in the Parish Hall to help with setup, serving, and cleanup. Lunch will be served from noon to 1 p.m. Even if you’re not volunteering, you’re welcome to come by and enjoy a meal! Our Sunday morning prayer service is at 9:30 a.m. for the remainder of September. Starting October 6, we will return to our winter schedule with services at 10:30 a.m. We’re excited to welcome Canon Wright that day for a special visit. We are actively seeking fun ideas for fundraisers and volunteers to support the work of the church. Many hands make light work! If you have suggestions or are interested in volunteering, please email us at admin(at) Prayer List If you’d like to add someone to the parish prayer list or request the removal of a name, please contact Kathy Cascone at mailto:casconek(at) Communication Staying informed is especially important during times of transition. Here are some ways to stay connected: - If your email changes, let Sharon Liparini know so you can continue receiving parish announcements. - Visit our website, Facebook page, and other social media channels for updates. (Reach out to Sandra Lee Schubert if you’d like to assist with posting photos and events.) - Subscribe to [The VOICE Online](, the diocesan newsletter published every other Wednesday, to keep up with news, events, and features from around the diocese. Save the Dates:
Dear St. John’s,
We’ve experienced many losses in our church community this year. Parishioners and relatives have died. Our music director left. Some have faced health crises. In recent years, St. John’s also said goodbye to beloved clergy members. The COVID pandemic changed how we work, attend school, vote and participate in church. We’ve seen ongoing gun violence and political strife in our country. And we’ve witnessed unrest and warfare across the world, including the current war in the Holy Land. All of these can provoke grief within us. I don’t write this to depress you, but to acknowledge that we have reasons to mourn and that grief is a natural response to sad and traumatic events. But grief is a journey, not a destination, and we do not have to travel it alone. Starting this Sunday, I invite you to join with others on this journey as we explore what the Bible and faith say about grief and how they can help us heal. We’ll meet at 11:45 a.m. in the parish hall after our 10:30 a.m. worship service. Our discussion topics will be: Nov. 19: What am I grieving? How do I express my sadness? Dec. 3: I feel so angry. Is that normal? How do I handle it? Dec. 17: How can I heal? Where does God fit into all of this? All are welcome. Come to coffee hour and join us for the discussions, and invite others to join us as well. Rev. Sharon ![]() A note from The Rev. Michael Muller, Rector St. Peter's Episcopal Church Dear friends, Our 2nd "Got Faith" series of talks ended last night with a celebration of Holy Eucharist. We now will go back to the rhythm of a weekly celebration of the Word of God (Bible Study in a liturgical setting) and a monthly Eucharist. The pattern we will follow is:
In my previous call there was a stained glass depicting the Resurrection and it always struck me that it had some message about the future. Perhaps something can be seen in the depiction of the three figures - The Saviour, St. John & St. Peter. ![]() #SaturdayLuncheonSocial #SLS #MovingForward #Thriving #StJohnsBoonton St. John's is excited to again offer meals through our Saturday Luncheon Social program. The meals are provided by Faith and Community groups in the area. We gather around a table or two and share a meal and fellowship with others. If you or someone you know is in need of a decent meal join us on Saturdays from noon to 1:00 P.M. Moving forward, we need volunteers to pick up Saturday bread donations, guide volunteers from other churches, and provide food for our scheduled weeks. If you can help, please let Sharon Liparini know at Sharon.Liparini(at) ![]() Sunday, September 18th is a busy Sunday. Immediately following the Sunday Service, we will have a healing service and laying on of hands. Bring your concerns for yourself or others. Boonton Food Pantry Sunday. These continue to be challenging times for many, so if you’re able, please grab a few extra shelf-stable items, cans with pull-tops (powered mild, pasta, rice, peanut butter, cereal, etc.) also diapers, feminine products on your next trip to the grocery store and remember the pets; dog and cat food (litter too) are requested items at the food pantries. Welcome Back Picnic Join us after the service for our Welcome Back Picnic. There will be food, fun, a skit and birthday cake - Happy Birthday Kevin Bidwell. ![]() Lenten Evening Prayer- Friday, 7 P.M. One of the most valued benefits is the opportunity to quiet the mind and settle the soul after a busy week. Finding a way to center one’s awareness and transition from the bustle of the world to the calm of resting in God can be life-changing. Please join us as part of your Lenten practice, and stay for the fellowship of our Virtual Coffee Hour right after. Announcements To all who are worshipping with us today, or watching this on-demand, thank you for being with us in prayer—you are most welcome, always! We follow the Diocese of Newark's guidelines requiring the wearing of masks and social distancing. To support the mission and ministries of St. John’s Episcopal Church, Boonton, NJ, go to our website, online giving, create an account and you can donate once or set up a recurring donation. Your generosity is deeply appreciated! An on-demand recording of services is available on Facebook. |
AuthorSArticles are posted by the Communication team, Rev. Sharon and others. Archives
January 2025